Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fairy Tale questions about The Little Mermaid Hans Christan Anderson

How does the character feel at the end of the story?

She feels happy because since she had a clear conscience, so she had a chance to be in the heavens.

Everyday we sometimes think of the ocean where there's  an ocean there's creatures and were  there's creatures there's mythical creatures so with that being said I will tell you about one mythical creature mermaids.           

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mermaid facts

what do mermaids eat?
where do mermaids live?
what do mermaids look like?
do actually have powers?
are mermaids real?

is tirtan a god?were mermaids alive back then in the old en days?
are there mythical charms that turn you in to a mermaid?
can you turn into a mermaid? 

mermaids eat sea food,saltwater, or just water
mermaid do have powers such as water power,frezing,and many more
we  never known if mermaids are real
tritan is a god the god of the sea in fact
yes theyare mythical charms.

you can but usually involes something spirtual.

youtube video of mermaids

Hey guys, hope you liked this video and enjoy.